About the Author

My name is Chris Galford.

I am a graduate of Michigan State University (Go Spartans!), and one of the many fresh, starving masses of grads with a BA in Journalism. Oh, but I’m just teasing. Most of us eat, you know.

To keep myself busy throughout college, I used to work as the Photography Editor and as a reporter for Spartanedge, as well as a photographer for EJ Magazine. In the past, I have also worked both as an intern and freelanced for the Lansing City Pulse, an alternative newspaper largely catering to the arts and entertainment scene. But I have been writing since I was little, and my greatest pleasure in life would be to spend my years as an author and a poet, creativity my only guide and only boundary.

In the meantime, writing is my escape, and this site, a host for my work.

I have written hundreds of poems over the years and dozens of short stories as well. One such short story–“The Child’s Cry”–was published in the 12th issue of Mystic Signals magazine. I wrote my first novel (unpublished) in high school, and published another in the winter of 2011–the first work in a planned trilogy of novels, centering around a fantasy backdrop of my own creation. The Hollow March is an adult fantasy adventure through revenge, renaissance, and revolution–a dark tale set in an evolving world, where gunpowder and magic mix beneath the bitter winter winds. It is available in both paperback and e-book at this time. For more information on that particular work, I suggest you consult this page. Its sequel, At Faith’s End, can be found here.

Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy what comes, and always feel free to share with me your thoughts.

If you were looking for a greater sampling of my photographer alter-ego, head on over to Galford Photography. Lots of pretty shots, there.

I’m on Twitter and Facebook, too! Care to follow?

And if you’ve any questions, comments or concerns, feel free to e-mail me at: shadowedwolfe (at) gmail (dot) com.

Author Chris Galford

43 thoughts on “About the Author

  1. Best to you as you finish up your degree. Interesting my son is philosophy/ photography as well.
    Enjoy your writing a great outlet and ya never know. Appreciate your visit to my site

  2. I’m glad you stopped by my blog because now I’ve found yours!

    We have some things in common :3 I just graduated college last December. I majored in Journalism and I almost minored in Philosophy, but I chose German instead.

    Are you aiming to get your novels published? I’m working on my first novel right now; it’s my dream to be a published author. Much luck to you!

    Would you like to be on each other’s blog roll? Your blog is great and I want to help spread it around. I’ll list you as “Chris Galford,” is that okay? I hope you decide to add me, too :3 If you do, can you list me as .:Lest I Smite Thee:.?

    Thanks again!

    — Gally

    • Always nice to meet a fellow youngin’ in the creative world! I am most assuredly aiming at getting my novels published–and am lurking anxiously about the long and nerve-wracking process of pursuing that dream. My best of luck to you as well, in the pursuit of your dreams–it is a great thing to attempt, but always and ever a struggle.

      And to the blog roll, I would be honored! I shall add you post haste.

  3. Hi Chris– thank you so very much for stopping by and reading my whole “epic” of sorts. It wasn’t quite fair to post it for One shot as the whole point is to get around and support as many writers as we can–

    I love your poem– very beautiful. Keep at it and when you are old and gray like me, you’ll find out that you’re just figuring out how to write…xxxj

  4. In these challenging times of earth changes and mankind’s folly, it is refreshing to come upon a creative soul that sees the world through different eyes, and can make a positive contribution in making a difference for not only this planet, but it’s people.

    Best wishes in all of your endeavors Shining One!

    Roger ☺

  5. Hi Chris, I don’t know if this is the correct place to send you a message, but I wanted to leave you this link to a photographer who might be interested in sharing her work on One Shot. Isadora Gruye is also an extremely talented poet, with a style and vision of her own.


    • Ah, much appreciated Kerry! Your friend’s stuff looks quite lovely. I’ll be sure to give her more of a gander later, and see about poking her for an interview. And for the future, if you want to send a message or what not to me, you can reach me at “shadowedwolfe (at) gmail (dot) com.” Sorry I didn’t just post the link – I’m trying to outsmart those crafty spams.

      Additionally, you can reach me through the contact form at my photography site: http://www.wix.com/galfordc/galfphotography. Thanks again!

  6. Hey Chris! Thanks for checking out my new site, it has a long ways to go before it’s set up but I hope you like it ^_^ I really enjoy your articles on your site.

  7. Hi Chris. Thanks for checking out my blog. It is very encouraging to have other writers give my writing the time of day. I must say, looking at your blog, you write very elegantly and powerfully, and I have to agree with jinksy’s comment above: you DO have a face that’s going places. Best of luck for the future! x

    • Well, you know… I was always told that one day I would grow up and find a real job. Tragically for those folks, my imagination grew with me, and that pen just kept scribbling. To write has not only been a dream, but a bloody imperative pounded deep into my brain from birth. It’s all about endurance – the will to push forward. Thank you for your support – all the best!

  8. “To write has not only been a dream, but a bloody imperative pounded deep into my brain from birth.”

    Hear hear! I’m just starting to compile my poetry into an anthology as well … so I’m really pumped to read your work and be inspired by it.

    • Best of luck in doing so! It’s such a feeling to move from just scribbling these things down, to actually compiling them, together, into a solid and satisfying work in their own right. Fascinating, really. And it’s a wonder that goes beyond just poetry – it’s true for all writing.

  9. Hi Chris!
    Writing is my passion too! Just like it sets you free, it lets me flutter my wings too!
    I am glad I stumbled upon your blog…It is always nice to read things about creativity.
    Your writing brings a smile to my face, and is truly inspiring!


    • Thank you for your oh-so-kind words, Lopa. It’s always a pleasure to meet anyone that makes the art their passion–I know my life would not be the same without such expression, and it’s always a wonder to see the same in others. Thank you for swinging through–hope to see you about more in the future!

  10. Your novel sounds more than a bit like mine — “a fantasy adventure through revenge, renaissance and revolution – a dark tale set in an evolving world, where gunpowder and magic mix beneath the bitter winter winds…” Yep. Check, check. check. Hopefully not too similar. Great minds. I shall most certainly be checking you out, either way.

    • A fellow proponent of the gunpowder fantasy, eh? Well it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance! Have no fear; I’m sure whatever the summation leads one’s thoughts toward, the style is where the differences, the individual creativities lie. Thank you for swinging through, and for giving me a look see. I shall certainly have to repay the favor, and investigate this fantasy scribbling of yours. It’s always wonderful to meet more writers. Cheers!

      • True indeed. I looked you up on Amazon and immediately recognised that you’re more Tolkien-esque high fantasy whereas I’m like a low-brow YA Margaret Atwood rip-off 😉 I kid. I’m awesome. Still, The Hollow March sounds like a fine read. Nice prose. I will buy it when I own a Kindle (old-fashioned bookseller, set in my papery ways).

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